Wednesday 27 April 2016

My Beloved Son (and Daughter)

He Gave Himself

by Dr. Paul Chappell
“But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.”
Luke 10:33–34
There is an ancient Persian legend about a great ruler who loved to disguise himself and wander among his people unrecognized. One night, dressed as a beggar, Shah Abbas met a poor workman who invited him to share his meager food. As they talked, the shah was impressed with the man’s attitude and character. Night after night he returned to meet with the worker, until at least he determined to reveal himself. When he told the man that he was the ruler of the entire land, he expected a request for wealth or promotion. But the poor worker replied, “You have left your palace and glory to sit with me in the dark and share my poverty. You have given me your presence, and even you can give nothing more precious.”
Salvation is freely offered to all who believe, but it was certainly not free for Jesus. Like the Good Samaritan in the parable, Jesus gave up what was rightly His in order to rescue and deliver us. While Jesus hung on the cross, the Pharisees mocked Him saying, “He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him” (Matthew 27:42). Though they were intending to deride and mock Jesus, they unknowingly expressed a profound truth. Jesus faced the choice of saving Himself or saving us—He could not do both. And He chose to be the sacrifice for the sins of the world. Only the gift of the Saviour made it possible for us to receive salvation.
Today’s Growth Principle: 
Jesus owed us nothing, yet in mercy and love He gave Himself to be the ransom for our sins.

My Beloved Son (and Daughter)

by Joyce Meyer - posted April 26, 2016

And all of us...are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another....
—2 Corinthians 3:18

We all make mistakes every day of our lives. But if we love God and want to do what is right, He keeps working with us and loving us into wholeness. We don't have to feel rejected in the meantime. God sees the end from the beginning. He knows where we are now and is fully aware of every one of our faults, but He also knows where we can be if He keeps loving us and encouraging us to go forward. God changes us from one degree of glory to another, according to 2 Corinthians 3:18, but He also keeps loving, accepting, and approving of us while we are making the journey.
The Scripture tells us that a voice came from heaven two different times and said, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Why was this necessary? I believe that Jesus needed to hear these words, and I believe we need to hear the same expression of love and affirmation. Knowing that God is on our side gives us confidence. Jesus received God's encouragement, and we need to do the same. Don't concentrate on everything that is wrong with you. That will distract you from proper fellowship with God. Thank God for your strengths and turn your weaknesses over to Him.
When God finished all of His creation, including man, He looked at it and said, "It is good!" God intends to work in and through you, so relax and believe that God approves of you!
Love Yourself Today: Say out loud, "I am God's beloved child. He approves of me and will finish the good work He started!"

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