Monday 16 September 2013

Ask According to His Promises

 Posted by Joel Osteen 

In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise that one of his descendants would always be on the throne. He would have a lasting dynasty. This seemed like a stretch because David wasn't even a king himself. He could have said, "God, I'm just a shepherd boy. I was out tending my father's sheep. I don't have formal training, education or experience." No, David dared to believe God. Even though it looked far out, he didn't dismiss it.

David said in verse 23, "God, do as You have promised. Let one of my descendants always be on the throne." Imagine the nerve David had to ask for something so big. Verse 25 gives us the key. He said, "God, I have been bold enough to pray this prayer because You have spoken it over me." In other words, "God, I'm asking You to do something amazing not because I have all the talent, education or connections, but because You have promised it."

What has God promised you? What is the dream He has placed in your heart? It may look impossible, but if you'll dare to believe Him, just say like David, "God, You promised it, now I'm bold enough to ask You for it."

When you do, don't be surprised if thoughts come that say, "It's never going to happen. You don't have the talent. You come from the wrong family. You've made too many mistakes." The enemy gets stirred up when you start asking God for big things. He'll try his best to discourage you. He'll leave you alone as long as you pray small, ordinary prayers. But when you start praying God-sized prayers, when you start asking God to take you where you've never been before, that's when those thoughts will bombard your mind and say, "Who do you think you are?" Just smile and say, "I'm a child of a Most High God! He began a good work in me, and He will complete it!"

Today, dare to believe God. Dare to ask according to His promises. Trust that He is faithful. Worship Him because He is worthy. Refuse small thinking and small living. Pray God-sized prayers and get ready to embrace the good future He has prepared for you!

"But let him ask in faith, with no doubting…" (James 1:6, ESV)

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