Saturday 9 December 2017

Songs of Christmas

My co-teacher asked me tonight if I can teach tomorrow for 1pm service as no one is available and I said "yes, just send me a copy of the Bible lesson for kinder". As I am preparing, let me share with you this wonderful message and a word from God.  =)
DECEMBER 2017 WEEK 2 (DEC 9-10, 2017)

OBJECTIVE:  At the end of the series, the kids will understand that Jesus is the reason for Christmas, which will result to thankfulness, worship, and loving God more.

Luke 1:26-55 (ERV)
Our God keeps His promises.

MEMORY VERSE: For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in

2 Corinthians 1:20a
15 mins.
Welcome / Learning centers
15 mins.
Welcome / Crafts / coloring page
3 mins.
Transition / pack up song
3 mins.
Transition / countdown
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
15 mins.
Praise and worship / opening prayer­
15 mins
Praise and worship / opening prayer
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins.
Welcome activity / Object lesson
5 mins
Welcome activity / Object lesson
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Memory Verse
10 mins.
Memory Verse
5 mins
5 mins.
5 mins.
Optional activities: games, worship, video
5 mins.
Optional activities: games, worship, video
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
86 mins
86 mins

Promise Ornament
Materials: Ornament template, stickers/decoration, crayons, ribbon, glue, scissors
1.    Prep: Pre-cut the template and glue both sides together, to make the ornament sturdier and to allow decorations on both sides. Punch a hole on the top.
2.    Distribute the template, crayons, stickers to the kids.
3.    Ask them to color it and design it.
4.    Assist them in threading the ribbon through the ornament hole and tying a knot.
Spiel: Do you know what we just made? We just made a beautiful Christmas ornament that you can hang on your Christmas trees at home! If you don't have a Christmas tree, that’s okay, because you can even hang this on a doorknob in your house. This is to remind you that God is a promise keeper! In fact, Christmas is the fulfillment of a promise that God made! In our story today, we will learn more about how He revealed Himself to a man as a God who always fulfills His promises.
TICKET (movie, airplane, etc.)
Materials: Movie ticket
Spiel: Do you recognize what this is I’m holding? That’s right, it’s a movie ticket. When you buy a movie ticket from a theater, it represents the promise of the theater that they will let you in when it’s time for the movie that you bought a ticket to. When you show them the ticket, they are reminded of their promise to let you watch the show, and they will let you in. Unlike the movie theater that can cancel a show if there is an emergency, God always keeps His promises, just like what He did when He sent His son Jesus to earth to save us from our sins.
We are now on the second part of our series. Last week, we learned about the amazing song of Mary when she heard that she was to be the mother of the Messiah. Today, we will learn about a certain man named Zechariah and the song that he sang that proved that God is a promise keeper.
Luke 1:5-25, 57-79  (ERV)
Zechariah’s Song
Voice of God
NARRATOR: ZECHARIAH was a priest during the time of King Herod. Both he and his wife Elizabeth were pleasing to God because they followed the Lord’s commandments.
(Zechariah and Elizabeth to enter scene and sit on the floor)
NARRATOR: But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both very old already.
(Zechariah and Elizabeth exit scene)
NARRATOR: One day while Zechariah was going about his duty as priest, he was chosen to enter the Temple of God and burn incense.
(Zechariah goes up on the stage holding incense and he kneels.)
NARRATOR: And while he was doing this, the angel Gabriel appeared!

(Gabriel enters and stands before Zechariah, Zechariah looks surprised and immediately starts to be afraid)

GABRIEL: Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. 
NARRATOR: But then Zechariah didn’t believe him at first because he and his wife were very old already...
ZECHARAIAH: How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.”
NARRATOR:Because Zechariah doubted the promise of God, he was struck by the angel with silence.

I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”
NARRATOR: And so Zechariah wasn’t able to speak until such time that he wrote the nameJohnwhen his wife Elizabeth gave birth. That was the only time he was able to speak, sing, and prophesy. Kids, do you know the special song that Zechariah sang when the his wife gave birth?
Luke 1:68-79 ICB
68 “Let us thank the Lord, the God of Israel.
    God has come to help his people and has given them freedom.
69 God has given us a powerful Savior
    from the family of God’s servant David.
70 God said that he would do this.
    He said it through his holy prophets who lived long ago.
71 God will save us from our enemies
    and from the power of all those who hate us.
72 God said he would give mercy to our ancestors.
    And he remembered his holy promise.
73 God promised Abraham, our father,
74     that he would free us from the power of our enemies,
    so that we could serve him without fear.
75 We will be righteous and holy before God as long as we live.
76 “Now you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High God.
You will go first before the Lord to prepare the people for his coming.
77 You will make his people know that they will be saved.
    They will be saved by having their sins forgiven.
78 With the loving mercy of our God,
    a new day from heaven will shine upon us.
79 God will help those who live in darkness,
    in the fear of death.
He will guide us into the path that goes toward peace.”
Zechariah’s song indeed celebrates God as a promise-keeper, because God kept His promise to Zechariah by giving him a son and He also kept His promise of sending Jesus to save everyone from our sins.
Let’s Talk About It!
(Teachers, sit with your children so you can easily pray with and for them as you do your huddle.)
1.    What is the name of the man who was promised something by God? (Answer: Zechariah)
2.    What was God’s promise to him? (Answer: That he will have a son.)
3.    Did Zechariah believe God’s promise to him? (Answer: No)
4.    Why didn't he believe it at first? (Answer: Because he and his wife were very old)
5.    So what happened because of his unbelief? (Answer: God silenced him until Elizabeth bore their son.)
In our story, Zechariah was promised a son by God. And it happened! God’s promises will always come to pass. But the most important promise God fulfilled was the birth of His only son Jesus Christ – through whom the world will be saved. 
Instructions: Ask the kids to form a circle.
Spiel: Kids, we’re going to hear about a promise God made. This story is going to show us that God ALWAYS keeps His promises. Keeping our promises is when we do what we say we’ll do, so let’s try doing that with this activity!
·         “We will jump!” - jump
·         “We will spin around!” - spin around
·         “We will touch our knees!” – touch knees
·         “We will walk like a soldier” – What else should we do? (Let kids choose; practice keeping your “promises!”)
You can add more actions and repeat them as many times as you want.
Dear God, thank You for being who You are. Thank you because You are a promise-keeper and nothing is too hard or impossible for You to do. You are always willing and able! In Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.
Guide the children in reciting the power truth and power verse.

POWER TRUTH: Our God keeps his promises.

POWER VERSE:  For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:20a




Rounded Rectangle: TEACHERS DEVOTIONGod is a promise-keeper




We, as people, are limited. This means that no matter how much we want to fulfill our promises to other people, there are circumstances and factors that are not within our control that will hinder us from fulfilling every single promise we give.


But not so with God’s promise – His promises are set in stone. When He says something, He guarantees that it will come to pass, because He is God. God's promise is sealed with a hope that never fails

The Bible is filled with the wonderful promises of God. It is so comforting to know that even at times when we don’t know what’s going to happen or when life throws us into a whirlwind of questions and confusion, we can rest on His Word to fulfill His promises in our lives.


Knowing that His promises are grounded on this infallible hope should give us comfort and confidence that He will accomplish His good and best purposes at the end of the day, no matter how bleak the situation we find ourselves in.


For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.

2 Corinthians 1:20

  • What promises of God do you need to remind yourself and hold on to when trials come?



God bless you as you teach! ☺



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