Tuesday 2 April 2019

Avoiding Unnecessary Conflict

PowerPoint Today - Daily Devotional with Pastor Jack Graham
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At the Cross
Then {Jesus} said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”

--John 20:27

Doubt is a natural disease of the human condition.  And perhaps the person who epitomizes doubt most is Thomas.

Poor doubting Thomas has been stuck with his nickname because he said he would not believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead unless he personally saw Christ…and put his hands in the scars in Jesus’ hands and side.

Thomas was convinced this was something he would never do!  But good thing for Thomas, he got what he asked for!

Unfortunately, there are millions of doubters just like him in the world today who think they can never be sure about Jesus because they weren’t there to see and touch Him. Yet, there is just as much proof for the resurrection of Christ as there is for any other event in history.

While we might not be able to physically sit by Jesus’ side and touch His nailed-scarred hands and His wounded side, we can know with certainty that Jesus rose from the dead, just as God’s Word said He did.  My friend, Jesus is alive today!  That is something you can bank on!

Many of the people who doubt Him today only do so because of misconceptions about the nature of faith, or because doubt is all they’ve ever known.  But Jesus Christ can make even the strongest cynic fall on their face and confess with Thomas, “My Lord and my God!”

Avoiding Unnecessary Conflict

Monday, April 01, 2019

by Dr. Paul Chappell
“But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”
2 Timothy 2:23–26
In February 2008, Randall Munroe published what has become one of the most copied and widely used comics in the history of the Internet. The simple one panel cartoon is titled “Duty Calls.” It shows a stick figure sitting in front of a computer. From outside the panel a voice asks, “Are you coming to bed?” “I can’t. This is important.” “What?” “Someone is wrong on the Internet.”
Anyone who has been part of a discussion online (or often a discussion in person) knows that they can go on and on and on without ever reaching a conclusion. While it is important to stand for the truth and oppose error, it is also important not to get bogged down in pointless arguments. One of the most famous examples of this was the in-depth consideration of the question: “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” It simply doesn’t matter.
Dr. Curtis Hutson used to say, “Never have an argument over things that don’t matter.” He was right. Wise Christians recognize the trap of foolish discussions that only lead to strife and avoid them. It may be hard for us to admit, even to ourselves, but it is possible to let someone who is wrong have the last word. Again, this is not saying that we should be silent in a way that will promote error or allow false doctrine to grow and flourish unopposed, but rather that we must be wise in choosing which arguments to have.
Today's Growth Principle: 
Do not allow your life to be consumed by pointless arguments that cannot be won.

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