By: Victor Toledo
Long time ago in a farm, there was a beautiful bamboo
tree right in front of a farmer's house. This bamboo tree is so pretty that it
became an attraction in their town. So many people admired its natural beauty
and its elegance even the way it swings every time the wind blows.
The farmer who owns this bamboo so loved him that he
wanted to preserve and just let him live his life. But one day out of
desperation he had decided to cut the bamboo tree. So he talk to the bamboo
tree and explained that he has to make use of him and it's necessary to cut
him. He told the bamboo tree that he loved him so much but even though it hurts
he has to do it. The bamboo replied, "I myself am surprised too, why I'm
the only one standing here. Others are long gone; I've seen you cut them and
used them to build houses, fences fisherman's tools' even bed at one time. I
know I'm ready if you need me too." So the farmer cut his beloved bamboo
tree. After a while the farmer said to the bamboo tree I need to remove your
branches and leaves too. The bamboo replied in agony," do you really have
to do that? I'm already in pain now you have to break my branches and even
remove my leaves too?
After cutting and cleaning the bamboo the farmer said to
the bamboo I have to remove your head and split your body in half. The bamboo
replied," I respect your decision please do what you think is
After the cutting and some more cleaning and
preparations, the farmer brought the bamboo to the highest part of his farm,
there he used the bamboo as an irrigation pipe to bring water to the low lying
portion of the farm unreachable by water before.
After several months, the water that flowed from the
bamboo pipe gave life and produce abundance to the farm and the people of the
Then the bamboo realized his purpose and he was so happy,
he serves his life so that others may live.
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