5 ways to get in the mood to make love
Being in the mood to make love may take a little planning but the payoff will do wonders for your marriage.

- Why do some marital partners resist doing what was divinely designed to be pleasant and enjoyable? It’s time to stop resisting something that is deliciously good and enriching to your marriage. It’s time to get in the mood. This is mostly for women because men are pretty much always in the mood. This was verified by a blogger who wrote about interviewing her husband regarding their sex life. Here’s how part of the interview went:“OK, so I’m going to ask you some questions about sex, and I want you to be completely forthright...Do not hold back.”“If you insist.” He says with a playfully ornery smile.“When specifically, and how much, do you prefer to have sex?” I asked.“When? Always. The only exceptions would be utter exhaustion or lying sick on my deathbed. Other than that, sex is preferred as much as humanly possible.”“I kind of already knew that. But I had to ask.”“Sweet.”To men the whole concept is sweet. It’s time for women to find equal anticipation for the pleasure sexual intimacy brings to marriage. OK, the anticipation is probably not going to be totally equal, but it can certainly be revved up several notches. If wives do more to get into the mood, which takes a bit more doing than it does for men, then the desire can be ignited more often. As you do the following you’ll find yourself in the mood in no time.
5 ways to get in the mood
1. Think about it off and on throughout the day
Push aside the to-do list for just a moment and focus on your husband and what you adore about him. Think specifically about times you have enjoyed sexual intimacy with him. Bring it sharply into focus in your mind. Picture it. Remember the sensations you felt and dwell on it for at least a minute or two during the have-to duties. Research shows men do that several times a day. Only difference is he doesn’t have to try. It just pops up automatically. Make room for it to pop up in your mind.2. Plan for it
Anticipation is half the fun. If you’re too exhausted every night and just want to go to sleep, then do something different. Take a nap during the day or when you get home from work. Just a short 15 minutes can revive you. Then make it happen. Include him in on the plan so he can anticipate it, too. A simple comment like, “I’ve been thinking about you. Let’s go to bed a little earlier tonight and have some fun.” When both of you look forward to that intimate time together it can be very rewarding. One other little clue in the planning phase of it: don’t over eat before going to bed. A packed-full tummy can totally ruin a romantic mood. So eat light before a bedtime frolic.3. Prepare yourself
Smell clean and look pretty. Don’t always wear those sloppy, comfy Pjs. Put on something flattering and feminine. Make his heart skip a beat when he sees you dressed for the occasion. When you play the part it will put you much more in the mood, too.4. Be open to his touch
Let him know what feels good to you. He wants to know. A husband wants to bring sexual pleasure to his wife. For him, helping you enjoy it is a powerful contributor in his feeling full enjoyment. Even if he hasn’t put it in words, it’s true. He may just need a little help in knowing what to do. Show him. Let him send you into ecstasy. You’ll love it and so will he.5. Read up on what works
A little knowledge about your own body can go a long way. Explore this part of your physical make up. There are good books that can help. By all means, don’t turn to the crass and lewd. That will diminish the loving, tender aspect of sexual intimacy. A couple of good books are by Tim and Beverly LaHaye, and Laura M. Brotherson’s book. These two bring a spiritual approach while still being explicit and appropriate. Just reading these can put you in the mood.Make it happen
Sexual intimacy is not a not an appendage to marriage. It’s the heart. Even though it requires little time in comparison to all else that takes place during the day, it is significantly important in creating genuine happiness in marriage. Pastor Tim LaHaye put it this way: “The act of marriage is that beautiful and intimate relationship shared uniquely by a husband and wife in the privacy of their love — it is sacred. In a real sense, God designed them for that relationship.”It’s time to get in the mood and make it happen often in your marriage. It’s that important.
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