“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”(1 Timothy 6:17 NIV)
You may be under a lot of stress right now because of the economy, but God still wants you to enjoy life.
As a Christian, you can enjoy life because your conscience is clear. You can enjoy life because you are secure within God’s love. You can have fun and laugh in church. You can enjoy friends who don’t manipulate you because they are learning to be like Jesus, and that means they are learning to look out for the interests of others.
Unfortunately, there are many people who do not want to let God into their lives because they fear he will make them give up anything that is fun. They think that to become a Christian is the same as saying the party’s over, that to be spiritual is to be miserable.
People are frantically looking for fun fixes, but that means they operate under the law of diminishing returns. They spend more time, more money, and more energy to get less and less of a thrill. They go around asking, “Are we having fun yet?”
The truth is, God
“richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17b NIV).
God wants you to enjoy life!
Talk About It
- Why would God want you to enjoy life?
- How do you respond to the truth that God’s love is extravagant, lavish, and beyond comprehension?
Change Your Mind |
“Repent (think differently; change your mind, regretting your sins and changing your conduct), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” |
(Matthew 3:2 AMP) |
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria |
Do you have behaviors in your life that you want to change? Maybe it’s a habit, a bad attitude, or even negative thoughts. No matter what you may want to change in your life, you have to start by changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts. When you make the decision to follow God in every area of your life, you open the door for His supernatural power to work.
Remember, your life will go in the direction of your thoughts. You can’t just allow any old thought or image to play in your mind. You have to choose right thoughts. The easiest way to change your thoughts is by speaking God’s Word. When you say “orange,” you probably won’t start thinking about an apple. In the same way, when you confess the Word of God, which says you are more than a conqueror, it will drive those negative, defeating thoughts away! Change your mind today by changing your words!
Heavenly Father, today I choose to take captive every thought that is contrary to Your will. I repent for anything in my life that is displeasing to You. Empower me today by Your spirit so that I can bring honor to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
PS... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKYyNY6TG9Y |
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