Sunday 7 May 2017

Bible Lesson for Today =)

MAY 2017 WEEK 1 (MAY 6-7, 2017)
GOSPEL: The Last Supper
BIBLE PASSAGE:    Matthew 26:14-30; Luke 22:1-34
MEMORY VERSE:    If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”…you will be saved.
                                  (Romans 10:9)
15 mins.
Welcome / Learning centers
15 mins.
Welcome / Crafts / coloring page
3 mins.
Transition / pack up song
3 mins.
Transition / countdown
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
15 mins.
Praise and worship / opening prayer­
15 mins
Praise and worship / opening prayer
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins.
Welcome activity / Object lesson
5 mins
Welcome activity / Object lesson
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Memory Verse
10 mins.
Memory Verse
5 mins
5 mins.
5 mins.
Optional activities: games, worship, video
5 mins.
Optional activities: games, worship, video
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
86 mins
86 mins
1. Cut -out specialty board in rectangular shape.
2. Cut-out paper bread.
3. Cut-out paper cup.
4. Double sided tape placed at the back of the paper bread and paper cup.
5. Sticker gems and crayons for decoration.
1. Cut the specialty board in a RECTANGULAR SHAPE with stand at the back – 1/3 of an A4 size specialty board.
2. Print out and cut the bread and cup.
3. Place sticker double adhesive tape at the back of cut out bread and cup
4. Distribute one for each kid.
1. Place the sticker gem on the cup, decorate and color it.
2. Color the bread.
3. Remove the sticker at the back of the bread and cup.
4. Stick the bread and cup on the specialty board.
5. Let it stand.
SAMPLE SPIEL: Hello Kids, do you remember what the bread and the cup represents during Jesus last supper with His disciples? The bread is the body of Jesus that was broken.  The cup is the blood of Jesus.  Only the blood of Jesus can take away our sins like washing away the chocolate stain from your shirt with soap and water.  Jesus alone can change our hearts and teach us to obey.  We can ask Him to come into our hearts and receive Him right now.
MATERIALS: Logos of McDonalds, Jollibee, Coke, Disney
INSTRUCTIONS: Show the children the logos one at a time and ask them what they represent.
SAMPLE SPIEL: Logos are usually used as symbols of the brands they represent.  When we see these logos, we immediately know and recall the brand.  They are also reminders of something important. In our story today, we will know what Jesus used as symbols and what they represent. 
On the night before Jesus was crucified, He had a final meal with His disciples. This is commonly now known as The Last Supper. Today, we will learn what Jesus and His disciples ate in that meal and what these foods represent.
Matthew 26:14-30; Luke 22:1-34
Last Supper
Bible Story telling via video -
MATERIALS: Small slices of Bread or Biscuits, Cups of Grape Juice
Teacher:  Kids, isn't Jesus amazing? Jesus has asked us to remember Him whenever we eat and drink.  How many times in a day do you eat? (Let the kids answer.) 
We eat and drink many times in a day.  This means we could remember Jesus' love for us at the cross many times in a day! How about we remember Jesus right now? Each of you will be given a piece of bread and a drink.  Please do not eat or drink right away.  Let me read to you Jesus words during His Last Supper with His closest friends (Distribute bread and juice for each child.)
(Read from 1 Corinthians 11:23) 
“For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”" Let us all eat the bread. (Invite the kids to eat.)
“In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”" Let is all drink from the cup. (Invite the kids to drink.)
POINT TO JESUS: Today, we remember that every time we eat and drink we can remember what Jesus has done for us at the cross.  Jesus sacrificed His life for the forgiveness of our sins.  He is inviting us to receive His gift of salvation.  If we choose to believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, then we are saved.  Do you believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior?
(Ask the kids to raise their hands if they want to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Pray for them.  You may use the "PRAYER" portion as a guide.)
Let’s Talk About It!
(Teachers, sit with your children so you can easily pray with and for them as you do your huddle.)
1. What food did Jesus and the disciples eat in the Last Supper? Bread and Wine
2. What do the bread and wine represent? Bread represents Jesus’ body. Wine represents Jesus’ blood.
3. Why did Jesus shed His blood for us? So that we will be forgiven of our sins.
4. What did Jesus ask us after explaining the symbolism of the bread and the wine? He asked us to remember that he sacrificed his life to save us all.
5. Why did Jesus wash the feet of his disciples? Because He loved them and wanted them to learn that, they too should do nice things to people.
Image result for images of last supper of jesus
1.    Two Print outs of this image.Enlarged photo to fit 12 small bread and cup.
2. Twenty four (24) pieces of cut out sticler paper of bread.
3. Twenty-four (24) pieces of cut out sticker paper of cup (chalice).
4. Two groups. Twelve( 12) kids each  group but may vary depending on class size. Source:
1. Place the two images on the board.One for each team.
2. Choose 12 kids for each team and let them form a straight line.
3. Hand each child one  (1)bread and one (1) cup.Make sure the paper at the back of the sticker is already peeled off.
1. At the count of three(3), the first child from  each team will run to the board and stick the bread and cup on the table (on  top or on  skirt of the table).The kid will then go back to the line and tap the second child and he/she wil do the same until everyone had their turn.
2. The frst group "to go" and finsh the race wins.
SAMPLE SPIEL: Hi Kids! We all want to be remembered —especially when we are away from home, don’t we?  We sometimes leave our favorite stuff toys on our dad's and mom's bed so that they will remember us. During the Last Supper, Jesus used the bread and cup to help His disciples remember Him when He is gone.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving Your life so our sins will be forgiven. We are sorry for the sins that we have done. We accept You in our lives as our Lord and Savior. Please forgive us. Be the center of our lives from this day onwards. In Jesus' name. Amen!













Rounded Rectangle: TEACHERS DEVOTION

God’s Reminders


He said to them, Do you still not understand? (Mark 8:21)

My friend Bob Horner refers to Jesus as “the Master Reminder.” And that is good, because we are so doubting and forgetful. No matter how often Jesus met the needs of the people who came to Him when He was here on earth, His first disciples feared they would somehow be left in need. After witnessing miracles, they failed to understand the greater meaning the Lord wanted them to remember.


On a journey across the Sea of Galilee, the disciples realized they had forgotten to bring bread and were talking about it. Jesus asked them, “Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?” (Mark 8:17–18). Then He reminded them that when He fed five thousand people with five loaves, the disciples had collected twelve basketfuls of leftover pieces. And when He fed four thousand with seven loaves, they filled seven baskets with leftovers. Then “He said to them, ‘Do you still not understand?’” (v. 21).


The Lord’s miraculous provision for people’s physical needs pointed to the greater truth—that He was the Bread of Life and that His body would be “broken” for them and for us.

Every time we eat the bread and drink the cup during the Lord's Supper, we are reminded of our Lord’s great love and provision for us.


In the Lord's Supper, Jesus left us a great reminder of His sacrifice. Read about it in Matthew 26:17–30; Luke 22:14–20; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26.


Communion is the Lord’s reminder to us of His love and provision.

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