“Set Your Affection”
by Dr. Paul Chappell
“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.”
Colossians 3:1–4
In his 1746 book, A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, Jonathan Edwards described the process undergone by those who are converted and the change it makes in their lives. He wrote, “The higher gracious affections are raised, the greater the spiritual appetite and longing of soul after spiritual attainments. Those with false affections rest satisfied in them. But for a Christian, the more he loves God with a gracious love, the more he desires to love Him, and the more uneasy he is that he doesn’t love Him more; the more he hates sin, the more he desires to hate it, and is upset that he loves it so much; the more his heart is broken, the more he desires it should be broken; the more he longs after God and holiness, the more he longs to long.”
The course of our lives is set by the things which we love most. The more our affections are set on the things of this world, the less godly our lives will be. The more our affections are set on the things of God, the more like Jesus we will act, think, and talk. There is no way to permanently change outward problems without first changing the heart. Yet too often we try to fix things from the outside in. No lasting spiritual change ever comes from a focus on externals. The outside still matters, but the true direction of a life is set by what is loved in the heart.
Colossians 3:1–4
In his 1746 book, A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, Jonathan Edwards described the process undergone by those who are converted and the change it makes in their lives. He wrote, “The higher gracious affections are raised, the greater the spiritual appetite and longing of soul after spiritual attainments. Those with false affections rest satisfied in them. But for a Christian, the more he loves God with a gracious love, the more he desires to love Him, and the more uneasy he is that he doesn’t love Him more; the more he hates sin, the more he desires to hate it, and is upset that he loves it so much; the more his heart is broken, the more he desires it should be broken; the more he longs after God and holiness, the more he longs to long.”
The course of our lives is set by the things which we love most. The more our affections are set on the things of this world, the less godly our lives will be. The more our affections are set on the things of God, the more like Jesus we will act, think, and talk. There is no way to permanently change outward problems without first changing the heart. Yet too often we try to fix things from the outside in. No lasting spiritual change ever comes from a focus on externals. The outside still matters, but the true direction of a life is set by what is loved in the heart.
Today’s Growth Principle:
When we focus our love on God and the things that matter to Him, we will glorify Him with our lives.
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