Saturday 30 March 2013

From Friday to Sunday

From Friday to Sunday

They will flog Him and kill Him; and on the third day He will rise again.
Luke 18:33, AMP.

Every year all over the world, people honor Good Friday as the day Jesus was crucified. It was the darkest, most painful, discouraging day of His life. To others, it looked as if it was over. It looked as if His enemies had gotten the best of Him. But God had other plans. Jesus’ enemies put Him in the grave on Friday, celebrating their victory, but Sunday morning was a different story. The grave could not hold Him. Death couldn’t contain Him. The forces of darkness couldn’t stop Him. On the third day, Jesus came out of the grave and said, “I was dead, but now I am alive forevermore.”

One principle that the resurrection teaches us is that God will always finish what He started. No matter how dark it looks, no matter how long it’s been, no matter how many people are trying to push you down; if you will stay in faith, God will always take you from Friday to Sunday. You will see your day of breakthrough because God will complete what He started.

If you are going through a dark time today, remember that your day of resurrection, your “Sunday,” is on the way! Keep standing, keep believing because soon you will rise up and embrace the victory He has in store for you!

Father, thank You for Your resurrection power that is alive in me. I choose to keep my eyes on You, the Author and Finisher of my faith. Thank You that no matter how dark it looks, my day of breakthrough is on its way in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

“We are not our own bosses to live or die as we ourselves might choose. Living or dying we follow the Lord. Either way we are his.” (Romans 14:7-8 LB)
The paradox of surrender is that it produces power and victory. Stubborn temptations and overwhelming problems can be defeated by Christ when handed over to him.
As Joshua approached the biggest battle of his life, he encountered God, fell in worship before him, and surrendered his plans. That surrender led to a stunning victory at Jericho. 
Surrender doesn’t weaken you; it strengthens you. Surrendered to God, you don’t have to fear or surrender to anything or anyone else. The founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, once said, “The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender."
Why surrender?
Because you belong to your Creator. God has a right to direct your life: “We are not our own bosses to live or die as we ourselves might choose” (Romans 14:7 LB). “Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people” (Psalm 100:3a NLT).
Because Christ bought you with his sacrifice. The Bible says, “And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised” (2 Corinthians 5:15 HCSB).
When you surrender to Christ, you fulfill the very purpose he died for — not just to save you from Hell but also to save you from self-centeredness! We Christians do not live for ourselves but for our Savior.
“At one time you surrendered yourselves entirely as slaves to impurity and wickedness for wicked purposes. In the same way you must now surrender yourselves entirely as slaves of righteousness for holy purposes” (Romans 6:19b TEV).
Because God modeled it first. He took the initiative, surrendering Jesus for our benefit: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son” (John 3:16 NASB).
Our surrender is the only reasonable response to that kind of love. You cannot love Christ without surrendering to him. 
Talk About It
What are the temptations and problems that you need to hand over to Christ today?
- How do you want to use the power that comes with surrender?

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