Saturday 26 October 2013

Don't Underestimate What You Have

Joel Osteen Ministries | Today's Word
Don't Underestimate What You Have

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…
Zechariah 4:10, NLT.

When David faced Goliath, in the natural, all he had was a slingshot and five smooth stones. It looked insignificant and ordinary, nothing special. But God breathed on it, and he defeated Goliath and became the king of Israel. Samson was surrounded by a huge army. Everywhere he looked there were horses, chariots and weapons. All he had was the jawbone of a donkey. No weapon. No armor. Nobody backing him up. But he picked up that jawbone, God breathed on it, and he defeated 1,000 men; the whole army. All Moses had was on ordinary stick, something he found on the ground. Yet, when he picked it up and held that rod in the air, the Red Sea supernaturally parted. All John and Dodie Osteen had were 90 people and an abandoned, rundown feed store, yet God breathed on them and did something extraordinary.

Today, don’t underestimate what you have. It may look small and insignificant. Compared to what you’re facing, it seems impossible; but when God breathes on your life, the odds dramatically change! Stay open, keep expecting, stay close to Him and watch Him do something extraordinary in your life!

Father, today I bless You and glorify You. Thank You for taking what I have in my hand and breathing Your life into it. Today, I expect the extraordinary. I expect to see You move on my behalf as I give You the praise and glory in all things in Jesus’ name. Amen.


“You should live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory.” (1 Thessalonians 2:12 GW)
The Kingdom of God is a present reality. It’s what we’re to be doing on the earth right now. The power of God is the present resource. It’s the energy you get to do what God wants you to do once you’re surrendered and submitted to his will.
God’s glory is the reason. It’s not the reality or the resource. It is the present reason for everything. It’s all for God’s glory.
Romans 11:36 says, “Everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory” (NLT).
I talk to people all the time who say, “I have so much, and yet I feel unfulfilled. I’ve got a good family. I’ve got a good job. I’ve got great kids. I’ve got good friends. I’ve got a good congregation to be a part of. Why am I so unfulfilled?” It’s because you were made for more than this! You were made for more than survival. You will never find fulfillment in life until you begin to live in God’s Kingdom, by God’s power, and for God’s glory.
How do you live a fulfilled life — the kind of life that you were designed by God to live?
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 2:12, “You should live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory” (GW).
What does it mean to live in God’s Kingdom? It means you make God’s agenda your agenda. You make God’s will your will. You care about what God cares about. Whatever you want God to bless, put him first in that area.
What does it mean to put God first in your life? I made up a little acrostic, FIRST, to give you five things you need to put God first in.
Finances. If you want God to bless your finances, even during a recession, you must tithe. Sorry! There’s no other alternative.
Interests. Put him first in your hobbies, your career, and your recreation. Give God first consideration in every decision.
Relationships. Put him first in your family, your marriage, and your friendships.
Schedule. That means you give him the first part of every day. You get up and sit on the side of your bed every morning and say, “God if I don’t get anything else done today, I just want to love you a little bit more and know you a little bit better.”
Troubles. You need to turn to God first when you have a problem. Prayer should never be your last resort. It should be your first choice.
Talk It Over
  • What do you need to change so that God is first in your finances, interests, relationships, and schedule?
  • What is your first reaction to trouble?
  • How can you develop a habit of prayer in your life?

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