Saturday, 2 January 2016

What's on my mind?

What's on my mind?
Written by Meg


With the Chicken Soup for the Soul in my hand, it inspires me to write something. Recalling my college days, I supposed to be in medical course as my foundation to become a doctor of medicine but due to budget constraint, my parents cannot afford me to send in that course but instead end up with Architecture.


Learning days were so good. I was thirst for knowledge of the things that I didn’t know yet. Two of the subjects I came to love most were Philosophy (Logic) and Psychology. Having a handsome and smart professors were just bonus in attending the class. Philosophy comes from the Greek words Phi lea means love and Sophia means wisdom ‘love of wisdom’ whereas Psychology comes from the ancient Greek roots psyche, which means “mind”, and logos, meaning ‘knowledge or study’. First and foremost, despite of appreciating these two subjects, still I cannot figure out what was the connection of these two subjects in architecture not until after a year where I had my first major subjects History and Theory of Architecture including Design subject where application of those knowledge was tested to draw from simple concepts to complex one.


In Architecture, Philosophy is the reason behind why a certain space logically interrelated to one another whereas, Psychology is the explanation why a certain space behave in such way. I cannot simply put something in a space because I like it. Remembering one of my classmates in a group, he said that I was not easily swayed if it didn’t make sense to me. My ideas were suggesting which made others think and consider. Indeed, the concept speaks for itself clearly.

If I were to ask, my passion to know something new helps me to desire and explore the adventures to the unknown; from nothing to something. The best teacher is someone who will tell you what to read but not telling you where to find it. To find it, patience is the key. I like those people who are patient because they lack nothing (James 1:4). They were moulded with grace through time.


My friend once said, no matter how brilliant I was or I might be the smartest among the class, if I don’t know the truth, I was just nothing. Nothing. Blind. Wow it hurts but at some point it was an eye opening for me. I know that I don’t know something; therefore, I know nothing. It simply means that knowing nothing has led me to know that ‘something’. As my inquisitive mind patiently explored, I was able to discover the truth. What truly unfathomable was not all truths were being told. The blessing beyond not telling it at all is the opportunity to seek it with my own self (James 1:5).


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A fear with a lot of respect. If I am honing my expertise in my field yet if I don’t hone the things that sets me to eternal life, I am nothing. Or shall I say, if I am honing my expertise, how much more should I spent my time to hone on things that matters most on eternal life. So what? So what if I am brilliant? So what if I am so rich? So what if I am powerful? So what if I am famous? If I don’t have the eternal life after death, I am just a worthless person spending my life in a temporal world without working on my own salvation (Philippians 2:12)


I realize that it is true to love the old for the wisdom they share (Og Mandino). The expertise of the people who were able to spend their time, resources and effort in their entire life studying and unleashing the truth were worth acknowledging. With that, I don’t need to study again nor live the way their life to prove something but to weigh facts, nourish and strengthen the truth.


In the same way, teachers as experts are more accountable to what they teach. The truth can never be twisted. As clear as water. I cannot alter that water is made up of 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen. I may not see its composition because both are gases but believing its accurateness, I don’t need to waste my time, effort and resources proving it’s correct. Fact is fact. Nothing can change that. That’s faith based on historical fact.


If I were to ask if I believe in Jesus Christ, of course YES, the Jesus Christ who was born in Bethlehem, is the same Jesus Christ who died on the cross and the same Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead. The Jesus Christ who resurrected, saw by the apostles and witnesses who testified that Jesus Christ was risen. These many witnesses were enough for me to believe that the one Jesus Christ they have seen, is the Jesus Christ I worth remembering, honouring and believing, the one true son of God. Nothing more, nothing less. This was indeed a good news. A good news that was eventually spread from that place to around the world. (Mark 16:15)  A fact that if I were born on those times, I can’t imagine the joy in my heart as a follower of Jesus Christ. An assurance that there is life after death because Jesus Christ himself was alive! Believed and be satisfied.


If I say Jesus Christ appeared in other parts of the world, where are these witnesses? Were they alive? If they were alive, will they recognize Jesus Christ? How can they recognize Jesus Christ if He was the son of God? Will they believe Him? What did they feel? Were they happy or afraid? If someone I haven’t seen for the first time or not even had the chance to talk to, will I believe him or her? Will I have that excitement or joy to hug him? Or will I ran away? Believe me, I lost my brother 5 years ago before New Year. No one can easily relate to what I say or feel right now if you yourself hasn’t lost someone important in your life. In as much as possible, I want to see my brother again, given the chance I will embrace him tightly. I know he’s my brother because we were siblings. The joy in my heart to see him again is truly happiness. This should be a big news, isn’t it? How much more if there were too many people who have seen Jesus Christ? If they were alive and testified that they saw Jesus Christ, there will be more true witnesses among nations. I believe in my heart that God will not allow not to spare at least one witness to be alive in order to show Himself that He was true and the only living son of God. =)

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