Friday 28 October 2016

Something to Ponder


Written by Gary Stayes, a US citizen

"As an American observer, I would strongly urge him to break ties with the U.S. outside of basic diplomatic relations. The U.S. is primarily interested in involving the Philippines in another colonial game of Risk. You want to rid the Philippines of drugs and prostitution? Keep American military bases far, far away. Once the American military is able to establish bases, they will insist upon selling your government equipment that they cannot afford.

The Philippines is fortunate in that it does not really have a need for a navy or large standing army. Want to keep it that way? Again, keep out the U.S. military. Unless you too want to be dragged into global wars of conquest, regime change, have your government plunge further into debt and risk increased terrorism blow back, urge Duterte to not align with Washington. What does my country primarily export to the world that's so useful? Pornography, garbage music, mindless sports fanaticism and violence. America is also the world's largest arms dealer and guess who they'd love to sell to?

Obama is not a man to admire. Some of you spineless, weak-willed people complain about drug dealers and addicts being gunned down as if it is so horrible and barbaric. What's worse? Leaving the drug trade alone to continue to flourish and increasingly ruin your country or to eliminate it by killing the criminals?

Duterte isn't really your problem, it is the long line of leaders you've elected who took money to look the other way while it continued. So why would Washington be against extra judicial killings that they themselves do routinely? It isn't the deaths they're worried about, after all, what do dead Filipinos matter to them?

Why is it none of you remember you fought and lost against Washington during the Philippine-American war? They admit to murdering well over a million men, women and children, but other sources place it over 3 million. How come you don't learn that in your American organized education system? Is it because Washington loves you so much? Washington's involvement in Vietnam came about not because of France's colonial problems in the region, but because Washington was involved in opium sales. Having communists stand up and try to free themselves from this was a threat as Washington used this money to fund CIA programs to overthrow governments hostile to its political will. The British first had control over the opium production and sales in China. The opium wars permitted Britain to solidify control over much of China by using arms to force Chinese into buying and using opium (look it up). America took over this trade from Britain after WWI.

Washington decided to protect its drug trade with CNAC (China National Aviation Corporation) by establishing Chenault's Flying Tigers. They are not heroes, but illegal mercenaries used to protect this trade from Japanese air power that was trying to eliminate it. During Vietnam, the drug trade was revived and a new corporation was formed named Air America. They began literally shipping in heroin from Cambodia and Laos. They paid those farmers to grow heroin and gave them rice so they didn't have to grow it.

In the 80's, the CIA moved to Central & South America because Cocaine products were easier to ship in without an opposing communist government resisting by shooting down planes. Drug selling is as American as Apple Pie. Because drugs are so profitable, we have legalized drugs called pharmaceuticals. Some of which still are made from opium.

In reality, Duterte is seen as an enemy for cutting into this long history and profitable drug trade. His killing of addicts (customers) and dealers (salesman) cuts into the profit margin that is in turn invested in Wall Street and deposited into big transnational banks. Many of our politicians rely on campaign money from Wall Street and these mega banks.

Duterte is going to create financial pain for Washington as more nations decide to eliminate drug use by their own war on drugs.

You see the problem?!

How many of you can name countries China or Russia have invaded?

How many countries do they have drones flying over to launch missiles at people they declare terrorists?

Russia and China are building economic ties that do not include using the U.S. Dollar. Russia is openly fighting ISIS while America is well known to have funded and trained the groups that formed ISIS. Do you want to be aligned with all that? Those of you who see Duterte's possible alignment with Russia and China should know that it will likely bring about peace and prosperity down the road.

The failed American empire is beyond broke and has a military that can no longer field aircraft that function properly, ships that break down at sea and is initiating hostilities all over the globe in an effort to revive itself through another world war where it can assert control over defeated enemies, as it did after WWII. Maybe you don't like Duterte's methods, but his actions have a purpose. Instead of crying over dead criminals and drug addicts, maybe you should be concerned over your own future if he fails."


3.) . . .the act speaks for itself . . . while I personally have my reservations about the Chinese . . .  This account speaks of a truth that many need to know and understand . . .

I receive this from my classmates whose Mother was asked what she thinks of President Duterte's comments about siding with China:

From Nong Diaz, just thought you might want to know. "Oct. 22, 2016. My mother, now 93 still has a sharp mind and I always get good insights from her. I asked her about her thoughts on the China alliance of Pres. Digong. Her reply is simple. Digong saved our country! I probed what she meant. She said if we are solidly allied with the US today, the Philippines will be devastated again if war erupts between China and US. She said the war of the US with Japan in WW2 was not our war. But when war with Japan was imminent in 1941, US President Roosevelt gave instruction to integrate the Philippine Commonwealth Army into the US army which became known as the US Army Force in the Far East (USAFFE). Pres. Quezon acceeded which technically committed the Phils to fight the war alongside the US. Since the Japanese could not invade the US mainland or its Hawaii territory being too far away, they instead invaded the US ally in the pacific – Philippines. Our country was devastated and many of mom’s relatives and friends have died fighting for the US. When it was over, the US poured money into Japan and left us, their ally, with their army jeeps to become jeepneys. The USAFFE was terminated in 1947 without benefits to the USAFFE veterans. And when nearly all the USAFFE veterans have died, the US finally released the benefits of veterans after almost 50 years. My father was a USAFFE B26 pilot so mom is very informed of this topic. She then says if the US goes to war with China and with the Philippines remaining a strong US ally and is even showing China that it is doing joint military excercises on land and joint patrol in the China sea, it is again making the Filipinos its pawn and the battleground should war erupts will again be the Philippines. Tapos na ang Pilipinas! PNoy and Del Rosario were actually following the same commitment of Quezon to fight China alongside the US forces. Duterte’s economic alliance with China makes us their friend. He brought along more than 400 busnessmen in his China visit because he wants to have as many new joint Chinese investments and businesses created in the Philippines. In this way, China will also protect their Philippine investment and will spare us if the war with the US erupts. Hence more jobs will also be created and Filipinos need not search for employment as domestics abroad. Being a friend of China makes plenty of sense. Mom’s view.

Really makes sense to me, now we know coming from the heart of a Mother who cares about our future.


Something worth reading. Copied and pasted from previous post.
Why President Duterte is pursuing an independent foreign policy?
By: Lily Sobrepena
Understanding Duterte’s Position on South China Sea vs. The Interest of the West The South China Sea area is actually more important to the US and Europe than to the Philippines. Lying in that vast body of water is an international waterway where 5 Trillion US Dollars in global trade passes every year going to the Western countries. If China controls the whole stretch of the waterway, including overflight thereon, global trade to Europe and US will become more expensive. The adverse impact of it to the west will be very costly. This explains why US and Europe were supportive of the Philippines and they were all urging China to respect the decision of the Permanent Arbitral Tribunal favoring Philippines on our claim.
Duterte’s position on the issue however, is not subservient to the West. When he declared that he is pursuing an independent foreign policy, he is bent on negotiating with China directly instead of becoming confrontational as the West wants him to be. Duterte is aware that our court victory is an empty one for lack of enforcement mechanisms on the decision. Neither the US nor the west and even any of the UN instrumentalities can help the Philippines enforce that decision. It solely relies on China’s recognition for which it has already repeatedly rejected. If we decide to confront China by force, which country will come to help us?
The NATO military arsenal cannot be stretched to the South china sea because its forces are confined to Europe in an attempt to contain the Russian military flexing in Europe and mid-east. Germany will never come to aid the Philippines because of its trading relations with China. France will be a reluctant potential ally because of the external threats it has been facing. Great Britain will never send its military planes to the Philippines because it has been courting China for trading relations as an aftermath of the Brexit.
If we use diplomacy, particularly by bringing the issue to the halls of the UN and asking the members to enjoin China into accepting the decision, we should take note of the fact that more than half of the countries in the UN are having trading relations with China for which they cannot afford to severe ties with, much less with ASEAN. What we see here is purely “politics among nations” at work and Philippines must be careful on its approach and for which Duterte has shown a great deal of expertise in terms of diplomatic maneuvering. Given that scenario, we are left with US and Japan at our side to help us in our confrontation with China. However, America is heavily indebted to China and the level of its trading relations with China outweighs any possibility for any war between the two.
But the more serious question which should bug us is this: Is US really a true ally in this conflict? When Duterte brought out the issue on Bud Dajo Massacre in 1906, he wanted the Filipinos to revisit our alliance with the US in the light of his intention to adopt an independent foreign policy. During World War II in 1941, we fought side by side with America where we lost more than a million Filipino lives. It was never our war, yet we were invaded by Japan because America was with us. After the war, US government helped Japan in its reconstruction efforts financially and economically until it became the world’s second largest economy next to US until to date. What happened to the Philippines as an ally which gave up more than a million lives defending America? While a miniscule of assistance were given to us since World War II, these were handed out with strings attached and were designed to continue US interference in our internal affairs.
Now, America and its allies in Europe want to use us again as a pawn to serve its economic and political interest in the South China Sea – to keep that international water way navigation-free. On the other hand, our main interest in the area is fishing right as well as exploiting the rich mineral resources underneath. From all indications, China is mainly interested in the control over that stretch of international waterway militarily as part of its hegemony over the region. Duterte believes that by negotiating directly with China using the decision of the court as our leverage, we can get most of what we want. However, Duterte believes that we cannot successfully negotiate with China if we remain under the shadow of Uncle Sam. Hence, the need to project an independent image to convince China that we are negotiating with them in good faith sans any influence from the West. This left US and Europe in quandary on how to protect their interest over South China Sea with the revolting posture of Duterte.
The only way is to get Duterte out and replace him with a pro west Philippine President. This partly explains why the West is anti Duterte and all forces including traitors from our country are now in global conspiracy to get him out of the presidency by using all sorts of issues to discredit him, e.g. his foul mouth, extra judicial killings, hitler image, and many more to come. For all of us Filipinos, including Anti Duterte forces, the President has just expressed a long overdue rebuke on the US shabby treatment to our country as an ally in the Asia Pacific. He wants US and Europe to treat us well as co-equal. America owed our country big time based on historical accounts and Duterte wants US to realize that and pay our country even with interest. If US made Japan as the second largest economy in the world post world war II and after all the damage Japan has inflicted US and our land, why didn’t US help Philippines as much as Japan if our country is a true ally? Sanamagan.
Filipinos should realize that there is more to the issues of EJK and the foul mouth of the President as systematically magnified by the West and their collaborators in our country, including both local and international media. We should “look at the forest, not just the trees”. The West wants Duterte out of the presidency for his anti-west sentiments and for his refusal to protect the interest of the west – that’s the crux of the matter and that’s what’s behind all these shenanigans. It’s a grand conspiracy to discredit him internationally because of the massive support he enjoys from our country’s masses. It’s a clear imperialistic design concocted by the West and swallowed hook line and sinker by political prostitutes and opportunists of this country to serve their selfish interests – a grave act of betrayal against the sovereignty of our country..

Credit to the owner..


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