A Father's Blessing
My wife and I have made it a priority to gather together with our three children as a family for dinner and conversation each evening. As has been our tradition, we were all sharing our "peak and pit" of the day. I had just responded to something that Briana's older sister Jennie had shared by affirming her as having "a heart of compassion." Jennie so appreciated receiving her father's blessing – she lapped up my affirming words like a puppy enjoying a bowl of milk!
At that point Briana, looked at me with her own puppy dog eyes and panted with anticipation, "Daddy, what do I have a heart of?"
I turned to look at her precious face and eager heart. She had caught me unprepared so I hesitated for a moment. In a flash I realized, "What I say right now is really important. It may be the most important question she ever asks me! Lord, what is Briana's heart made of?"
"Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice!" No! That wouldn't have met Briana's need! She needed a sincere father's blessing. I wanted to recognize her beautiful uniqueness like I had done for her sister and so I said: "Briana, you have the heart of a leader. Your name means `Strong in God's grace' and that is what you are. I love to see how you lead people in good ways."
Briana wagged her tail and yelped with excitement, "Mommy! Mommy! I have the heart of a leader!"
Kids may Bring their Hearts to Unsafe People and Things
I am so glad that my little girl brought the question of her heart to me and that God spoke through me to give her the father's blessing that she needed. As I've watched my little girl grow up I've often thought about all the other places that she could bring the question of her heart: to a fickle friend, a boy with lustful desires, alcohol at a party.
Briana may have forgotten my words, but I don't think that she will forget the father's blessing of being recognized and feeling appreciated by me for how God has made her. (To help make sure I look for opportunities to affirm her!) I believe that today she stands a little taller and smiles a little bigger and is better able to pick herself back up when she gets a bad grade, feels rejected by a friend, or I get frustrated with her.
Bring the Question of Your Heart to Jesus
Just like Briana at age seven there is a question in your heart: "What's special about me? Am I attractive? Am I significant?"
Are you bringing the question of your heart to God? To a "Christ's Ambassador" who helps you to connect with God's grace? (1 Corinthians 5:20*).
The Bible is full of our Father's blessing words for us. We need to pay special attention to the many Bible Verses on the Father's Love. Furthermore, in all of your Bible study and meditation you want to read the Bible as God's Love Letter to You!
But even the Bible isn't enough to fill the hole in our souls except as it leads us to the Lord Jesus Christ who alone is able to give us God's life (John 5:39*). He is the Good Shepherd and he knows your name. He calls you by name (John 10:3*). He opens his arms to the child in you and to your children or grandchildren. Jesus gives the best father's blessing of loving affirmation! (Mark 10:13-14*).
Copyright © 2013 Bill Gaultiere, PhD. Used by permission.
At that point Briana, looked at me with her own puppy dog eyes and panted with anticipation, "Daddy, what do I have a heart of?"
I turned to look at her precious face and eager heart. She had caught me unprepared so I hesitated for a moment. In a flash I realized, "What I say right now is really important. It may be the most important question she ever asks me! Lord, what is Briana's heart made of?"
"Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice!" No! That wouldn't have met Briana's need! She needed a sincere father's blessing. I wanted to recognize her beautiful uniqueness like I had done for her sister and so I said: "Briana, you have the heart of a leader. Your name means `Strong in God's grace' and that is what you are. I love to see how you lead people in good ways."
Briana wagged her tail and yelped with excitement, "Mommy! Mommy! I have the heart of a leader!"
Kids may Bring their Hearts to Unsafe People and Things
I am so glad that my little girl brought the question of her heart to me and that God spoke through me to give her the father's blessing that she needed. As I've watched my little girl grow up I've often thought about all the other places that she could bring the question of her heart: to a fickle friend, a boy with lustful desires, alcohol at a party.
Briana may have forgotten my words, but I don't think that she will forget the father's blessing of being recognized and feeling appreciated by me for how God has made her. (To help make sure I look for opportunities to affirm her!) I believe that today she stands a little taller and smiles a little bigger and is better able to pick herself back up when she gets a bad grade, feels rejected by a friend, or I get frustrated with her.
Bring the Question of Your Heart to Jesus
Just like Briana at age seven there is a question in your heart: "What's special about me? Am I attractive? Am I significant?"
Are you bringing the question of your heart to God? To a "Christ's Ambassador" who helps you to connect with God's grace? (1 Corinthians 5:20*).
The Bible is full of our Father's blessing words for us. We need to pay special attention to the many Bible Verses on the Father's Love. Furthermore, in all of your Bible study and meditation you want to read the Bible as God's Love Letter to You!
But even the Bible isn't enough to fill the hole in our souls except as it leads us to the Lord Jesus Christ who alone is able to give us God's life (John 5:39*). He is the Good Shepherd and he knows your name. He calls you by name (John 10:3*). He opens his arms to the child in you and to your children or grandchildren. Jesus gives the best father's blessing of loving affirmation! (Mark 10:13-14*).
Copyright © 2013 Bill Gaultiere, PhD. Used by permission.
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