JUNE 2017 WEEK 1 (JUNE 3-4, 2017)
Anytime: No Matter When (Peter)
OBJECTIVE: I will share the gospel to everyone no matter what.
MEMORY VERSE: For I am not ashamed of the good
news about Christ. Romans 1:16NLT
15 mins.
Welcome / Learning centers
15 mins.
Welcome / Crafts / coloring
3 mins.
Transition / pack up song
3 mins.
Transition / countdown
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
15 mins.
Praise and worship / opening prayer
15 mins
Praise and worship /
opening prayer
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins.
Welcome activity / Object
5 mins
Welcome activity / Object
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Memory Verse
10 mins.
Memory Verse
5 mins
5 mins.
5 mins.
Optional activities: games,
worship, video
5 mins.
Optional activities: games,
worship, video
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
86 mins
86 mins
MATERIALS: colorful paper cups, pipe
cleaners (cut in half), memory verse printed on sticker paper, glue
To prepare, use a razor blade/cutter to cut
out the bottoms of the cups. Poke holes in the cup where kids can insert
their pipe cleaners
1) Distribute
the bottomless paper cups and memory verse on sticker paper. Let the children
stick their verse.
2) Distribute
the pipe cleaners. Help the kids insert their pipe cleaners on the side of
the cups.
3) Fold the
insides of the pipe cleaners so they can hold their megaphones.
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Materials: echo microphone toy
Form one big circle for the class. Tell the children that you are
holding a microphone. A microphone helps you say something very loud even if
you don’t have a loud voice. Tell them that Jesus wants us to tell other
people about him and what he did on the cross. An object like the microphone
can help remind us to share the Gospel all the time.
Ask for
a volunteer to speak on the microphone “I will share the Gospel all the
time!” Repeat the process until everyone had a chance to shout the Bible
Acts 2
Anytime: No Matter When (Peter)
Bible storytelling via magnetic characters.
Thousands of people went to Jerusalem to celebrate a Jewish holiday
called Pentecost. They came from
many countries and spoke many different languages. Jesus’ disciples were
staying there. They were praying together.
a noise filled the room. It sounded like a strong wind blowing. The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of
fire on each of them.
started talking in languages they did not know. The people in Jerusalem heard
the noise and came to see what was happening.
The crowd was amazed and asked, “How are they able to speak our
PETER: The prophets told us this
would happen.
Then Peter told them about God’s plan.
PETER: God sent Jesus to save
everyone from the bad things we have done.
PEOPLE: What should we do?
PETER: Ask Jesus to forgive you
for your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
On that day, 3,000 people believed in Jesus. The disciples baptized
all of them. Peter and the disciples are a good example of people who were
ready to preach the gospel anytime.
Let’s Talk About It!
(Teachers, sit with your children so you can easily pray with and for
them as you do your huddle.)
What are the Jews celebrating in
(They are celebrating the
What happened while the
disciples were praying?
(A loud noise filled the room and a strong wind entered.
The Holy Spirit came on them.)
à Who preached
the gospel to many people?
(Peter preached the gospel.)
Peter stood up and preached the first gospel. Before the Spirit had given him special abilities Peter had been a
fisherman from Galilee. Now he was able to speak clearly and explain the Old
Testament scriptures about Jesus. He explained how Jesus of Nazareth had been
sent by God and that they had crucified him. He pointed out that even the
revered King David had looked forward to the coming of the Messiah. Peter was
able to preach the gospel anytime because the Holy Spirit was there to help
MATERIAL: inflatable globe
Gather the children to sit
in a circle. Play the song,
"Go!" from above as they pass around the inflatable globe. Randomly pause the music. The child holding
the globe when the music stops, stands up.
Hold the echo microphone for each of you to speak into as they repeat
Romans 1:16a, “For I am not ashamed of the good news about Christ” Play the
music, and continue passing the globe.
Dear God,
you for sending us the Holy Spirit to help us. Thank you for what you did on
the cross for us. Help me tell everyone about you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Week 1 |
Teachers’ Devotion
Acts 2
there a time when you were asked to do something you knew you could not do on
your own or you were not prepared to do? Whom did you ask help from?
this series, we aim to encourage the kids to look into the life of Bible
characters and be inspired by their lifestyle of evangelism, so that the they
will preach the gospel no matter where God sends them, no matter who they talk
to, no matter when, and no matter what they go through.
gospel is not just a matter of message, but also a matter of power. Whoever
hears it and decides to believe in Jesus immediately experiences the power of
God. The gospel is not just a story - it is THE story of all of mankind. It is
where our very existence is anchored. Therefore, God calls us to be ready
anytime He presents the opportunity to preach it. 1 Peter 3:15 (TLB) says “Quietly
trust yourself to Christ your Lord, and if anybody asks why you believe as you
do, be
ready to tell him, and do
it in a gentle and respectful way.”
how do we become ready to preach the gospel anytime?
Believe God’s promise. God has promised
that His sons and daughters shall receive power through the Holy Spirit. During
the Pentecost, Peter declared that this promise from the Old Testament already
came to pass.
2:16-17a (ESV): But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel: “‘And in
the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all
flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy…”
Enjoy God’s presence. Preparation and our
Bible knowledge are helpful tools in sharing the gospel, but these are not the
main reasons why we as believers are equipped to minister anytime. In fact,
Peter was able to minister effectively despite being untrained because he spent
time with Jesus and learned from Him:
4:13 (NLT) The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of
Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special
training in the Scriptures. They
also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.
Obey God’s command. Sharing the gospel
and making disciples is not a suggestion but a command given to each and every
believer. God commands this because He has given His sons and daughters the
power to do it anytime He calls us to do so. Because Peter obeyed, 3000 souls
were saved!
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