Saved for Sure
by Dr. Paul Chappell
“And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”
1 John 5:11–13
Doubt is one of the most effective weapons in the devil’s toolbox to use against God’s children. Because our service for God is built on the foundation of our faith in Him, Satan tries every means possible to make us doubt whether we are truly saved. While it is important that people not have a false assurance of a salvation they do not possess, it is also vital that those who have been born again know that their salvation is secure.
Dr. John R. Rice was saved when he was a little boy, but many adults questioned his understanding, and as a result he lived with doubt. He later wrote, “I went on for three sad years not sure I was saved. Then I got to reading the Bible and found John 5:24. I KNEW that I had heard the Word of God. I KNEW that I had trusted Jesus Christ the best I knew how. So there suddenly, gloriously, came the assurance that I was really saved! I know I am saved because it is written in the Bible.”
The Bible is given to us for many purposes, but one of those is to give us a confident assurance that the same God who saved us will keep us secure until we reach Heaven. Since no part of our salvation depends on our work or effort, once we have been saved, there is nothing that can cause us to lose it.
1 John 5:11–13
Doubt is one of the most effective weapons in the devil’s toolbox to use against God’s children. Because our service for God is built on the foundation of our faith in Him, Satan tries every means possible to make us doubt whether we are truly saved. While it is important that people not have a false assurance of a salvation they do not possess, it is also vital that those who have been born again know that their salvation is secure.
Dr. John R. Rice was saved when he was a little boy, but many adults questioned his understanding, and as a result he lived with doubt. He later wrote, “I went on for three sad years not sure I was saved. Then I got to reading the Bible and found John 5:24. I KNEW that I had heard the Word of God. I KNEW that I had trusted Jesus Christ the best I knew how. So there suddenly, gloriously, came the assurance that I was really saved! I know I am saved because it is written in the Bible.”
The Bible is given to us for many purposes, but one of those is to give us a confident assurance that the same God who saved us will keep us secure until we reach Heaven. Since no part of our salvation depends on our work or effort, once we have been saved, there is nothing that can cause us to lose it.
Today’s Growth Principle:
If you have trusted in Christ’s payment for your sin and called on Him to save you, do not let Satan drag you down with doubt.
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