Tuesday 3 December 2013

Lack No Good Thing

Joel Osteen Ministries | Today's Word
Lack No Good Thing

…Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
Psalm 34:10, NIV.

When God created you, He put in you everything you need to fulfill your purpose in the Earth. You have the talent, the creativity and the ideas. You are full of discipline, focus and self-control. You have strength, determination and resolve. The Creator of the universe has crowned you with His favor. If you’re going to live a victorious life, you have to see yourself as a “no lack” person.

If you go around thinking, “I’ll never get out of debt. I’ll never have enough,” what you’re really saying is, “I’m lacking talent. I’m lacking ability.” Or, “I’ll never lose this weight. I’ll never break this bad habit.” You’re saying, “I’m lacking discipline. I’m lacking self-control. I don’t have enough.” If you see yourself as lacking, what does that say about God?

Deep down you have to know that because you trust in the Lord, you are a “no lack” person. Meditate on the fact that Almighty God breathed His life into you. He has already equipped and empowered you. You may have difficulties, but it’s not a surprise to God. He has equipped you, and you are well able to fulfill your destiny!

Father, thank You for providing everything I need. I trust You have given me everything I need to fulfill my destiny. I declare that I am a “no lack” person and receive every blessing You have prepared for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.


"Sing out your thanks to him; sing praises to our God." (Psalm 147:7a TLB)
Last week Americans celebrated one of the most important holidays of our year, Thanksgiving. Yet the irony is that, in most homes, very little thanksgiving actually took place. We're usually very busy doing everything else on Thanksgiving. We prepare our homes, cook, eat, entertain, talk with friends, watch football, and read the sale catalogs for the next day.
We do everything but thank God for all he has given us. Usually, the only thanksgiving we do is a one-minute prayer offered by one person before the big meal.
But learning to thank God for what he has given us is an important part of our spiritual journey. So how do you make gratitude to God an important part of your life?
One of the most important ways to do so is by singing. The Bible says, "Sing out your thanks to him; sing praises to our God" (Psalm 147:7a TLB). Nothing makes you aware of God's presence more quickly than singing your praise to God. It doesn’t matter how much musical talent you have, either. The Bible urges us to make a joyful noise. Even pigs do that as they eat! If pigs can make a joyful noise, so can you!
There are more songs about Jesus Christ than anything or anyone else, even love. Christianity is a singing faith! That’s why you need to be a part of a local church. It’s not just about listening to a weekly message from the Bible. At least once a week, you need the emotional expression that comes from singing thanks to God. If you don't, your heart will shrivel. You can’t be a healthy Christian on sermons alone. You need both the impression from the message and the expression through the music.
I have discovered that the times when I least feel like singing are when I need to do it the most. When my heart is cold, I need to be renewed, restored, and recharged through singing thanks to God. In my hectic schedule, as I drive from one emotionally draining experience to another, I find listening to music and singing praise to God in my car renews my soul.
So turn on your favorite worship songs or find a good Christian radio station and sing along. Thank God for all he has given you, and make a joyful noise to the Lord while you’re at it.
Talk It Over
  • What are some of your favorite praise songs? Why?
  • What keeps you from singing during private and corporate worship times?
  • Share about a time when singing praise to God helped lift your mood.

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