“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” (Revelation 21:4 NLT, second edition)
Popular culture tells us many myths about what Heaven will be like. Much of it isn’t grounded in the Bible. The truth is, describing Heaven is beyond the capacity of the greatest writers. It’s just far more amazing than mere words can describe.
But we do have some clues to what Heaven will be like. I mentioned before five things that will be a part of Heaven. It may be, though, that the most profound part of the Bible’s description of Heaven is what it says won’t be there.
Here are five pieces of our earthly existence that won’t be part of our heavenly one.
- Sickness. (1 Corinthians 15:42-43) You’ll have a body in Heaven, but it’ll be a perfect one. No more disease. No more illness. No more hunger. You won’t even have gas in Heaven! Heaven is a perfect place. Your body will be perfect, too.
- Sadness. (Revelation 21:4) You’ll never get your heart broken in Heaven. You’ll never be rejected. You’ll never grieve. The Bible actually says God will wipe away every tear from your eyes. You’ll spend billions and trillions of years in Heaven, and you won’t spend a second of that time being sad.
- Suffering. (Revelation 7:16) The Bible says, “No more hunger, no more thirst, no more scorching heat.” In Heaven my wife and I won’t need different controls on the thermostat! Every need we have will be satisfied.
- Sin. (Jude 1:24) Heaven is a perfect place. That’s what Jesus came to do — die on the cross so that imperfect people, like you and me, can get into Heaven. The Bible says that when we’re face to face with Jesus, our character will be instantly changed to be like his. You’ll have your personality but Jesus’ character.
- Death. (Revelation 21:4) You’ll live forever in Heaven, but you won’t live forever with all the sickness, sin, and imperfections that you now struggle through. You’ll get to live forever with a perfect body.
I don’t know about you, but that’s exciting to me! I can live without all five of those things.
You can learn about how you can know for sure you’ll spend forever in Heaven on my website atrickwarren.org/know-god. And if you pray to make Jesus the boss of your life, please let me know! Write me at rick@rickwarren.org.
PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>
Talk It Over
- What will it mean to you to have a perfect body in Heaven?
- If you were going to tell a non-believing friend about one of these characteristics of earthly living that won’t be a part of Heaven, which one would you talk about? Why?
- Which of the five parts of earthly living that won’t be a part of Heaven are you most excited about living without? Why?
The Principle of Faithfulness |
“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” |
(Matthew 25:23, NIV) |
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria |
In the book of Genesis, we see that God established a system of sowing and reaping in the earth. When we are faithful with what God has placed in our hands, we position ourselves for increase. Many people pray, “God bless me!” But God is saying, “Are you being faithful with what I have given you?” Scripture tells us that when we are faithful with the little, God will make us ruler over much.
Remember, you can’t reap a harvest without first planting seeds. God has given each of us seeds to sow, so don’t hold on to them! Be faithful to give, be faithful to pray, be faithful to speak life over your future. Develop faithfulness in the small things. Develop faithfulness in your character. Be on time. Keep your word. Be dependable. As you develop faithfulness, God will see your good works and He’ll make you ruler over much!
Father, thank You for Your promise of faithfulness to me. Make me a faithful follower of You as I seek to serve You in all I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.
PS.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJIEbtYuynM |
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