Tuesday 17 March 2015

What’s Hell Like?

What’s Hell Like?
Eternal Realities
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What’s Hell Like?
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By Rick Warren — Mar 16, 2015
image from Rick Warren
If anyone does not love the Lord, let that person be separated from God — lost forever!” (1 Corinthians 16:22a ERV)
In human terms, it’s tough to define Hell. It’s like trying to explain the Internet to an ant.
But Jesus actually talked more about Hell than Heaven. And to read how Jesus — and others in the Bible — described it, we don’t want to have any part of it, and we don’t want anyone we know to have any part in it.
So what does the Bible say about Hell?
1.    It’s a place of torment. Luke 13:28 says that in Hell, “You will cry and be in extreme pain” (GW). We get our visions of fire and agony in Hell from the Bible.
2.    It’s a place of complete separation from God and other people. That’s the worst part of Hell. Go through your whole life saying you don’t want to have anything to do with God, and you’ll eventually get your way. Hell means total separation from God. “If anyone does not love the Lord, let that person be separated from God — lost forever!” (1 Corinthians 16:22a ERV)
3.    It’s a place without love. The Bible tells us that God is love. Without God, we’ll spend forever without his love in Hell. The Bible also says, “There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out all fear”(GNT). What’s it like to live without God’s love? It means you’re scared to death all the time.
Everyone who goes to Hell chooses to do so. They’ll get what they always thought they wanted — a life away from God. You don’t want that! You don’t want Hell. Make a different choice today.
To know how you can live forever and avoid the anguish of Hell, visit rickwarren.org/know-god. Please let me know if you make the decision to follow Jesus. I want to celebrate with you! Write me atrick@rickwarren.org.
Talk It Over
·         Why do you think Jesus talked more about Hell than Heaven?
·         How does the description of Hell in today’s devotional compare with the description we get in popular culture?
·         Are there any parts of the Bible’s description of Hell you struggle to accept? Why?

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? For what can a man give in return for his life?

Mark 8:36-37
By far the greatest marvel of human life is the marvel of our eternal soul. Man was made as an eternal and spiritual being, which is what it means to be made in God’s image.

The Bible also calls this resemblance we have to God being made in His likeness. This doesn’t necessarily refer to our physical appearance, but to the fact that we have an immaterial part called the soul or spirit that allows us to understand and respond to God.

This incredible spiritual capacity to know God is one of the main distinctions between humans and animals. We may have a similar physical structure to some animals, and eat the same foods that some animals eat, but we are made profoundly different.

That means we are not descended from any animal. You and I were created by the hand of God! It’s true that we will die physically someday just as animals do. But even in death the profound differences between humans and the rest of creation continue, because we were made for eternal existencefor life with God forever.

Our spirits never die, but will exist forever in either heaven or hell. God made us to be able to spend eternity with Him. Share that good news with someone you know today.

Marvel at God’s Handiwork

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