Thursday 14 August 2014

Delete & Repeat

Today's Word with Joel and Victoria
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Delete & Repeat
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
(Romans 10:17, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Are you allowing negative thoughts to stifle your potential? Why don’t you start hitting the delete button? The experts may have told you that things are impossible or how it’s not going to work out, but those people don’t know what God has in store. He has the final say. He wouldn’t have placed that dream in your heart or given you that promise if He didn’t have a way to bring it to pass. It’s time to delete what the naysayers have told you. It’s time to delete the discouraging words. Delete the negative reports. You’ve got to delete and repeat. You’ve got to keep deleting those negative thoughts and keep replacing them with the Word of God until you get back to your original software, so to speak — until faith is stronger than your doubts.
Who told you that you can’t be successful? Who told you you’re not tall enough, not smart enough, or that you’ve reached your limits? I can assure you that it did not come from your Creator. Don’t let others set the limits for your life. Delete those wrong thoughts, believe God’s Word, and embrace the blessing and victory He has in store for you!
Father, thank You for Your Word which sets me free. I choose to delete every negative mindset and replace it with Your truth. Give me Your joy which is strength as I am daily transformed by the renewing of my mind in Jesus’ name. Amen.

How to Give Grace to the Irritable

“A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” (Proverbs 19:11 NIV)
When you’re dealing with people who are offensive or irritating, you need to look past the behavior to the pain. Because everything we do is motivated by something. When people are hurting others, it’s because they’re hurting on the inside. Hurt people hurt people.
The more you understand about other people’s background, the more grace you’ll show them. Think of the people who you find the most difficult to deal with and who irritate you the most — you probably know nothing about their background. So you don’t cut them any slack. You don’t know that maybe they were molested. You don’t know that maybe they were orphaned. You don’t know that they’ve gone through three marriages and their husband walked out on them. You don’t know their story, so you’re not showing them any grace.
The Bible says in Proverbs 19:11, “A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense” (NIV). With wisdom, you don’t get offended. Why? Because wisdom gives you patience. When you understand somebody’s background, you understand the stress that person is under — and it’s easier to show grace. That gives you patience to overlook the offense.
What I’m talking about here is real love. In fact, the Bible says refusing to be offended by other people is actually an act of mature love. It shows you how much love you’ve got in your heart. The more love you have in your heart, the harder it is to offend you on a personal basis.
The less love you have in your heart, the more insecure you feel and the easier it is to offend you. The Bible says in Proverbs 10:12, “Love overlooks the wrongs that others do” (CEV). The more I am filled with love, the less I’m going to be upset with you when you are demanding or demeaning or disapproving or whatever.
So this is the first step in dealing with difficult people: You must choose to refuse to be offended and take it personally.
Talk About It
Who are the people you find the most difficult to deal with and who irritate you the most? 
How can you show them more grace?

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