Tuesday 19 August 2014

Yoke Destroyer

Today's Word with Joel and Victoria
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Yoke Destroyer
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”
(Isaiah 10:27, KJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
A yoke is something that is put around the neck of an ox to help control the animal. It limits its movement. If the ox starts to get off course, the yoke is used to pull it back. Even though an ox is very powerful, this small yoke keeps it from doing what it wants to do.
Some people don’t realize today that they’re living with a yoke around their neck. They wonder why they can’t get ahead or why everything is a struggle. It’s because of the yokes that are dragging them down. Negative words that were spoken over you can become a yoke. Every time you start to step out, you hear that voice, that parent, that coach saying, “You’re not that talented; you don’t have what it takes.” It plays again and again. Eventually, you shrink back. That’s a yoke.
Today, know that God’s burden-moving, yoke-destroying power will set you free! Call on Him and let Him set you free from every bondage of the past. Choose to forgive and release the yoke of bitterness. Don’t go around being burdened any longer. Study His Word and let His anointing set you free to live in total victory!
Father, thank You for destroying every yoke off of my life. I choose to surrender every hurt and pain of the past to You. I choose Your Word which is life to my soul. Thank You for Your anointing at work in my life to destroy every yoke and set me free in Jesus’ name! Amen.

The Unselfish Marriage

“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”(Philippians 2:4 NLT)
Marriage gives you many opportunities to make adjustments in your life. Change happens all the time — from the changing stages of your children to moves to job changes to illnesses. When circumstances change in your lives, both you and your spouse will have to make adjustments to keep your marriage on track. In fact, simply being two imperfect people building a life together requires making adjustments for one another.
Marriages that grow will always demonstrate the ability to make adjustments for one another. At its core, it’s really about being unselfish. Learning to become less selfish is one of the greatest lessons of life. It might be the most important lesson God wants to teach you through your marriage.
How do you become less selfish and make positive adjustments for your spouse in your marriage?
  1. Think about what your spouse needs most. The Bible says, “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too” (Philippians 2:4 NLT)Unfortunately, often the longer we’re married the less we think about our spouse’s needs. The Bible says we should be concerned about everyone’s needs more than our own. That’s particularly true in our homes.
  2. Submit to one another. To adjust to your spouse, you have to submit to him or her. That simply means giving up what you really want in order to meet your spouse’s needs. Ephesians 5:21 says, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Some men think their wives should do the adjusting in their marriage because they are the spiritual leaders of the home. But being a leader means husbands should lead the way in service in their homes.
  3. Make adjustments in the little things. Maybe it means arriving a little bit later or leaving a little bit earlier. Maybe it means going to bed a little bit later or a little bit earlier. Maybe it means going to the movie or restaurant your spouse wants to go to. Maybe it means listening when your spouse needs you to listen and not just when you want to listen. It’s in those little daily decisions to adjust and meet each other’s needs where genuine love is expressed.
The test of your love toward your spouse isn’t what you say about your love. It’s how you demonstrate that love. Treat your mate as Jesus would. If you make that one decision, it changes everything. The definition of mature love is to treat other people as Jesus would. Jesus is our best example when it comes to love. This is how we know what love is: Christ gave his life for us” (1 John 3:16a GNT). 
You’ll spend the rest of your lives trying to apply that to your marriage, but your marriage will be incalculably better as you try.
Talk It Over
  • What is one adjustment you’ve seen your spouse make in your marriage that has meant a great deal to you? Have you told your spouse how much you appreciate that adjustment?
  • What’s one adjustment you could make this week as an act of love for your spouse?
  • How does treating your spouse as Jesus would change how you view your marriage?

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