Monday 22 July 2013

Praying Bold Prayers

Praying Bold Prayers

Today's Scripture:

Then he touched their eyes and said, ‘According to your faith will it be done to you
Matthew 9:29, NIV.

Today's Word:

A recent study showed that 90% of people believe in the power of prayer. People typically pray over their food, their kids, or they ask God for wisdom, strength and health. But oftentimes, people pray what I call “get by” prayers. They pray, “God, help me get by this year. God, help me endure this sickness. God, keep my child out of trouble.” There’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t limit what God can do. If you ask small, you’re going to receive small. But when you learn the Word, your faith grows, your confidence grows, and you’ll learn to pray bold prayers that honor God!

Instead of praying, “God, help me pay my bills,” pray, “God, help me pay my bills and have plenty left over so I can be a blessing to someone else.” Instead of praying, “God, keep my child out of trouble,” pray, “God, let my child become a leader and fulfill his destiny.” Instead of praying, “God, help me endure this sickness,” pray a bold prayer, “Father, I want to thank You that I’m coming through this sickness better off than I was before!” As you continue studying His Word, your faith will grow. You will know Him more, and you’ll be empowered by your union with Him to pray bold prayers and see those prayers come to pass!

Prayer for Today:

Father God, today I open my mind and heart to You. I receive Your Word which directs my steps and builds my faith. Help me to hear Your voice clearly so that I can pray bold prayers in line with Your will in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“God does speak — sometimes one way and sometimes another—even though people may not understand it.” (Job 33:14 NCV)
The Bible says in Job 33:14, “God does speak — sometimes one way and sometimes another—even though people may not understand it” (NCV).
God designed you to hear his voice. In a sense, there is a “receiver” in you that allows you to get guidance from God.
What channels does God use? The primary way that God speaks is through the Bible. This is why we need to read the Bible every day. God’s will is found in God’s Word.
God also speaks through godly Bible teachers. Have you ever been in church or at a Bible study and felt like the teacher is speaking directly to you? In that moment, God is speaking directly to you.
God also speaks through other Christians. He even speaks through you. If you’ll stay in tune to him and learn his Word, sometimes God will use you to say things to people that he wants to say to them. It’s not something special reserved only for pastors; God speaks through every believer at different times.
God also speaks through your circumstances and your pain. God is speaking all the time. But we must listen. Tune in to God, and he will lead you on the right path.

Talk It Over
  • What do you need to change about your quiet time so that you can be more in tune with God and hear his voice?
  • How might God want to use you today to speak to someone else?
  • How might God be using your circumstances to speak to you?

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