Sunday 11 March 2018

Don’t Forget Those Who Helped

Don’t Forget Those Who Helped

by Dr. Paul Chappell
“Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day: Pharaoh was wroth with his servants, and put me in ward in the captain of the guard’s house, both me and the chief baker: And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and he; we dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream.”
Genesis 41:9–11

When Joseph was unjustly imprisoned in Egypt, his attitude and God’s blessing gave him great favor with the jailers. As a result, he was able to interact with the other prisoners. When Pharoah’s butler was in prison, Joseph interpreted a dream for him that promised him restoration to his former position. Joseph asked that his case be reviewed because he was innocent. But when the butler got back to the palace, he forgot all about Joseph. Two full years passed before Pharaoh had a dream, and only then did the butler remember what he had promised Joseph.
Too many times we take the help that we receive from others for granted. Yet in truth all of us have benefited in ways both large and small from parents, teachers, pastors, youth workers, relatives, and friends who have invested in our lives. How often do we stop to thank them? How often do we take the time to let them know that what they did made a difference? How often do we express the simple words that would mean so much to them?
Sometimes, like the butler, we get busy with the duties and responsibilities of life and simply forget those who have helped. Other times our pride does not want to acknowledge the contributions of others so that we can give ourselves more credit for what we have accomplished. But as the old saying goes, if you see a turtle sitting on a fence post, he probably didn’t get there by himself. Do not let pride render you ungrateful.
Today’s Growth Principle: 
Take the time to reach out and express gratitude to those who have contributed to your life.

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