WEEK 1 (March 3-4, 2018)
In God We Trust
Trusting God’s Strength
Trusting God’s Strength
OBJECTIVE: At the end of
the series, the kids will realize the faithfulness of God in the life of
Abraham so that they can trust God in a deeper way.
BIBLE PASSAGE: Genesis 14:1-16
BIBLE POINT: I will trust God’s
MEMORY VERSE: Finally,let the mighty strength of the Lord
make you strong. – Ephesians 6:10 (CEV)
15 mins.
Welcome / Learning centers
15 mins.
Welcome / Crafts / coloring page
3 mins.
Transition / pack up song
3 mins.
Transition / countdown
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
3 mins.
Birthday celebrants
15 mins.
Praise and worship / opening prayer
15 mins
Praise and worship / opening prayer
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Bathroom break
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins
Four Rules
5 mins.
Welcome activity / Object lesson
5 mins
Welcome activity / Object lesson
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Bible story / Discussion
10 mins.
Memory Verse
10 mins.
Memory Verse
5 mins
5 mins.
5 mins.
Optional activities: games, worship,
5 mins.
Optional activities: games, worship,
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
5 mins
Closing prayer / Dismissal
86 mins
86 mins
Barbell Craft
Materials: Toilet paper roll, foam/sponge, scissors
1. Before the service, cut the foam into the shape of a
barbell, with two round puffs on each end and a thinner portion in the
middle. The middle should be as long as the toilet paper roll.
2. Ask the kids to put the foam through the toilet paper
Spiel: What does our craft look like? That’s right, it looks
like a barbell or a dumbbell. The real barbells are very heavy. Can you lift
your barbell? Is it heavy? No! Did you know that there is some stuff that God
wants us to do but they are too heavy or big for us? Guess what? God is our
strength. When we trust God’s strength, the big stuff will seem very easy or
light, just like our craft barbell! Today, we will continue with the story of
Abram and his nephew Lot and see how Abram trusted in God’s strength.
Materials: Pictures of Lot and other Bible characters
1. Before the service starts, assign a teacher to place
the pictures in different parts of the room; you can hide them. Remember
where you put Lot’s picture.
2. Show the kids a picture of Lot and ask them to find him
in the classroom. You can give them clues.
3. The child who finds Lot wins!
Spiel: Do you still remember Lot from the story we
told you last Sunday? Lot is the nephew of Abram. When God told Abram to move
to another place, Lot came along. But something bad happened to Lot and Abram
had to find him, like we did in our game today. We will know more about it in
our Bible story later.
Last week, we learned about how God spoke
to an old man named Abram to leave his home and move to another place. Even
if Abram didn’t understand why, He still obeyed God no matter what. God gave
Abram a big promise that he will blessed and will be a blessing to all the
nations. He traveled with his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and his servants,
bringing everything they owned. Then the group breaks up and Lot gets into
trouble. That is our story today.
Lot’s Capture and Rescue
Genesis 14:1-16
Bible storytelling via
puppets/skit /flannel board. You may also download images online.
blessed Abram and he became a very rich man. During this time, his nephew Lot
who was traveling with him, had also become very rich. They had too much
livestock like sheep and goats that there was not enough land for both of
them. So they decided that one of them was going to have to move to another
place. Lot chose the land that was green and beautiful near a place called
Sodom, which was filled with sinful people.
day, the nation of Sodom together with four other kingdoms, went into war
against a group of four countries. Sodom was defeated and the enemy took
everything the people of Sodom owned. They also captured Lot who was living
in Sodom that time. Then one of the captured men escaped and told Abram what
had happened. Abram led his 318 men to a surprise attack on the enemy. They
won a great victory and brought back Lot together with everyone and
everything else that were taken from Sodom.
about this: a group of four countries defeat a team of five kingdoms. That
would mean that the four countries were more powerful, right? But Abram with
his 318 men was able to defeat the winners of the war! What does that mean?
It can only mean one thing: God was with Abram. God is the most powerful
being ever and Abram trusted in God’s strength. He won because of the
strength of God. Just like our power verse says:
Let’s Talk About It!
(Teachers, sit with the children so you can
easily pray with and for them as you
do your huddle.)
è Who is Abram’s nephew?
(Answer: Lot)
è Why did Abram and Lot separate? (Answer: Because they
had too much livestock. The place was not enough for both of them.)
è What land did Lot choose? (Answer: Land near Sodom)
è Who rescued Lot from the enemies? (Answer: Abram)
è Who gave Abram the strength to fight the enemies?
(Answer: God)
è If you have a big task or job that you think is very
hard to do, who do you think can help you best? (Point the kids to God. He is
our strength. Yes, our parents and friends can help, but ultimately, our help
comes from God.)
Abram had an impossible task to rescue Lot
from four powerful kings. But God used him to rescue Lot and other people
from their enemies. Did you know that we also have a big enemy, which is sin?
Sin is separating us from God. We cannot defeat sin on our own. But God used
Jesus to defeat sin by dying on the cross, so we can become God’s friends
again and be able to live with Him in heaven someday.
God is our Strength
Materials: Kettle bell or any heavy object
1. Ask for a volunteer (child) to lift the kettle bell.
2. Then ask the child to lift the kettle bell again, but
this time, help him, carrying most of the weight yourself.
Spiel: Interview the child: Was it easier to lift
the kettle bell by yourself or with the teacher? (Let the child answer) Yes,
it was easier with teacher helping you. Actually, it was teacher who carried
most of the weight! That is exactly how it is when we trust in the Lord’s
strength. There are some things we cannot do or will have a hard time doing
by ourselves. But when we trust in God’s strength, we can accomplish many
Dear God, thank You for being our strength.
Please help us to trust you more because we know that it will make us strong.
We love you God! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
POINT: I will trust God’s strength.
BIBLE VERSE: Finally, let
the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. – Ephesians 6:10 (CEV)

Abram had a big task ahead: He had to save his nephew
Lot who was captured when the place he was living at was defeated in a war
against a group of four powerful kingdoms. Abram led 318 fighting men on a
surprise attack of the enemy to win back his nephew. And he was successful!
What a wonderful story. But it doesn’t compute. How
did 318 plus one old man win against a victorious army of four kingdoms who had
earlier defeated a group of five nations? We can only come to one conclusion:
it was all by the grace of God. He gave them the victory. He was their
God’s strength is not reserved for Abram and other
Bible greats. It is available to us too. Is there a big task up ahead in your
life that God is calling you to do? Ask for the same strength that God gave to
319 underdogs and experience how something seemingly impossible will be
accomplished when we trust in Him.
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