Keep on Doing Right
by Dr. Paul Chappell
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Galatians 6:7–9
When William Carey went to India, the concept of missionaries was sadly unknown and unpracticed among most of the people he knew. There was a great deal of resistance to Carey’s plan to take the gospel to a foreign land. Carey was not a pastor or theologian, he ran a shoe repair business. But his burning zeal to reach the lost compelled him to leave his home and country behind. His first years on the field were hard. His son Peter died, his wife suffered a mental breakdown, and it was seven long years before the first convert was baptized. There was little to indicate a mighty work from God was about to happen.
On a trip to England, I was able to visit Regents Park College at Oxford where they have preserved the letters William Carey wrote to his family and supporters during his time in India. They are filled with news of various difficulties and hardships, but also with an unwavering commitment to continue the work. He closed one of the letters to his sisters with the admonition, “Be strong in the Lord.” Carey remained faithful, and his work eventually made a major impact on India and challenged thousands of others to take up the missionary cause.
No one has accomplished anything lasting and great for God who was not willing to pay the price of faithfulness. Those who shrink or give up when things get hard will not see the harvest. Only those who remain faithful and keep doing what is right reap.
Galatians 6:7–9
When William Carey went to India, the concept of missionaries was sadly unknown and unpracticed among most of the people he knew. There was a great deal of resistance to Carey’s plan to take the gospel to a foreign land. Carey was not a pastor or theologian, he ran a shoe repair business. But his burning zeal to reach the lost compelled him to leave his home and country behind. His first years on the field were hard. His son Peter died, his wife suffered a mental breakdown, and it was seven long years before the first convert was baptized. There was little to indicate a mighty work from God was about to happen.
On a trip to England, I was able to visit Regents Park College at Oxford where they have preserved the letters William Carey wrote to his family and supporters during his time in India. They are filled with news of various difficulties and hardships, but also with an unwavering commitment to continue the work. He closed one of the letters to his sisters with the admonition, “Be strong in the Lord.” Carey remained faithful, and his work eventually made a major impact on India and challenged thousands of others to take up the missionary cause.
No one has accomplished anything lasting and great for God who was not willing to pay the price of faithfulness. Those who shrink or give up when things get hard will not see the harvest. Only those who remain faithful and keep doing what is right reap.
Today’s Growth Principle:
God did not promise us ease or comfort, but He did promise a fruitful harvest to those who endure.
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