We read in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” The word for “workmanship” is the Greek word from which we get the English word poem. John McArthur adds, “Our lives are like a divinely written sonnet, a literary masterpiece.”
The admonition in Philippians 2:12 is to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” The expression “work out” presents the idea of working out to an ultimate goal, or to finish, as in a scientific or mathematical problem. Further, the word “salvation” is a spacious word, used of a believer in three tenses. We have been saved from the guilt and penalty of sin – justification. We are now being saved from sin’s appeal and power – sanctification. Finally, we will yet be saved from its defiling presence – glorification.

Little Mary surrendered her life to Christ, and she desired to be clean within and to be kept pure. She prayed, “O Lord, make me gooder and gooder and gooder until there is no bad left!”
“He who is truly born of God is sure to resemble his Father.”
Dave Arnold, Pastor
Gulf Coast Worship Center
New Port Richey , Florida 34654
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