Friday 7 September 2012

Growing Your Faith

Growing Your Faith

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17, NKJV.

Do you desire to have more faith? Scripture tells us that faith can grow and increase. Notice that today’s scripture doesn’t say, “Faith comes by having heard the Word of God one time.” It says that faith comes by hearing—in the present tense. We have to hear the Word of God over and over again in order for it to take root in our hearts and transform our minds. Sure, God’s Word can transform us in an instant, but most of the time, our faith grows as we hear the Word of God again and again.

Just as a seed needs water daily to grow, your spirit needs the Word of God daily. The more you hear God’s Word, the more you know Him. The more you know Him, the more you will be able to believe Him—and that’s what faith is!

Today, why don’t you choose a few scriptures to meditate on? Write them down and carry them in your purse or wallet. Let that truth sink down into your soul. Let the truth of the Word transform you and move you forward into the abundant life God has prepared for you!

Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word that is living and active and growing in my life. I submit myself to You today and ask You to teach me Your ways. Give me insight into Your Word so that I may know You more in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6 NIV)
Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (NIV). What God starts, he finishes. Where God guides, he provides. And where God leads, he meets our needs. But he’s going to test you first, because there is no testimony without a test.
The question, then, is: Are you willing to trust God completely?
God tells us to remember to remember. Often in the Bible, God had people create a memorial so they’d never forget what he taught them. The idea of creating a stone of remembrance comes from the book of Joshua. Right after the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and were going into the Promised Land, God had them create a memorial to remember what he had done for them. Each person picked a stoned and used it to build a memorial. In the future, when their children asked what the stones meant, the Israelites could explain that they were a reminder of God’s faithfulness to the children of Israel.
If you were to build a memorial, what would you want to remember? What would it stand for? What do you want to make sure you don’t forget? It’s not the things that matter — your job, your house, your salary, or your accomplishments. You are God’s legacy, and your legacy is made up of the moments that made a difference for God’s Kingdom, the relationships that had eternal significance, and the ways you worshipped the Savior. 
I invite you to pray a prayer of remembrance right now. Say these words back to God in your heart: “Father, I remember right now the love of Jesus. Thank you for the miracles you’ve worked in my life. God, help me to remember your grace and to be gracious. I remember your generosity toward me. I ask you for the strength to be generous toward others. I trust that you will be with me, and I trust that you will finish what you have started in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Talk About It

  • What are the miracles God has done in your life?
  • What are some meaningful ways that you and your family can remember together what God has done for you?

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