Sunday 26 May 2013

God's Value System

God's Value System

Today's Scripture:
Keep me as the apple of your eye…
Psalm 17:8, NIV.

Today's Word:
In this day and age, people are considered to be important for so many different reasons—titles, position, possessions, where you go, what you drive. But God’s value system is very different from the value system of the world. God cherishes and values you so much simply because He made you. You are His beloved creation—the apple of His eye; the center of His world!

If you’ve ever thought that God has too many other important things on His plate to be concerned with you and your life, know this today—you are God’s number one priority. And, there’s nothing you can do to be more important or less important to Him. He values you today, and your value will never change. You are significant. Your life is significant. The things that concern you, concern God. He carefully watches over every detail of your life, and there is nothing too big or too small for His attention.

Today, find peace and security in God’s love for you. Don’t be afraid to take your concerns and cares to Him. He loves it when you come to Him, and He’s ready to receive you with open arms because you are the apple of His eye!

Prayer for Today:

Father in heaven, thank You for loving me today. Thank You for keeping me the apple of Your eye. I open my heart and mind to You and cast every care on You. I receive Your love for me in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“Put your trust in the Lord your God and you will stand your ground. Believe what his prophets tell you, and you will succeed." (2 Chronicles 20:20b GNT)
The biggest mistake people make when we're overwhelmed is focusing on the problem. We don't look to God. We put our eyes on the problem instead of God. 
When you ask many people, “How are you doing?” they say, “I'm doing OK — under the circumstances.” What are you doing under the circumstances? Who put you there? Why don't you get on top of the circumstances? Circumstances are like the mattress on your bed. Get on top of them, and you'll rest easy. Get underneath them, and you're going to suffocate.
What are you focusing on right now? If you're discouraged, it's not God. You can't be discouraged and focus on God at the same time. If you turn to God first, talk to him about your problem, and trust him to help you, God will respond: "The Lord says you must not be discouraged or be afraid to face this vast army. The battle depends on God, not you" (2 Chronicles 20:15b GNT).
The reason why you're so tired all the time is because you're trying to fight battles that belong to God. We try really hard and give it our best shot. Inevitably, we fail and we're disappointed in ourselves and we come back with our tail between our legs and say, “God, I'm so sorry. I've really let you down." Guess what? You cannot disappoint God. This is what grace is all about! You don't earn God's pleasure or approval. It is a free gift when you trust in his Son, Jesus Christ.
What does God want you to do if he doesn’t want you to fight in the battle? What are you supposed to do when you’re facing an overwhelming situation? 
Two words: “Stand strong.” What does it mean to stand strong? It is a mental attitude. It’s an attitude of quiet confidence. You're not getting ahead of God, but you're not backing up, either. You're going to stay put and watch God work. You're going to stand strong.
One of the most important truths you have to learn in life is it is never God’s will for you to run from a difficult situation. If you do, he’s going to bring it up again. He wants you to learn that he is sufficient in every situation, and if you don't learn it here, he’ll just provide the opportunity again.
What do you stand firm on? “Put your trust in the Lord your God, and you will stand your ground. Believe what his prophets tell you, and you will succeed" (2 Chronicles 20:20b GNT).
Do you want to be successful? Then stand on two things: the character of God and the Word of God. Have faith in the character of God and what his prophets have said.
Talk It Over
  • What has been your focus lately? Has it kept you from turning to God for help with whatever difficult situation you are facing?
  • What does it look like to be confident in the character and Word of God?

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